Track Task Definition Model

Capsule Tracks provide a simple way to define a sequence of tasks for things you do in your business. They can be used in opportunities or projects. Each track definition can contain multiple track task definitions.

Name Type Description
id Long Read only

The unique id of this track task definition.

description String Required

A short description of this track task definition. This becomes the task description when the track definition is applied to a project or opportunity.

daysAfterRule String Required

Determines how the due date is calculated when creating this task:

  • TRACK_START - task due date is set to daysAfter * dayDelayRule before/after the date the track was started.
  • LAST_TASK - task due date is set to daysAfter * dayDelayRule before/after the date the previous task in the track is completed. "before/after" depends on the track direction.

Accepted values are: TRACK_START, LAST_TASK

daysAfter Integer Required

The number of days/weekdays/weeks (specified in dayDelayRule) after the track start date or after the previous task is completed that this task becomes due.

displayOrder Integer

The order the task appears in the track.

dayDelayRule String Required

Defines the time unit for how the daysAfter field is treated when calculating the due date of a task.

  • TRACK_DAYS - Treats daysAfter field as value in days.
  • TRACK_WORKDAYS - Treats daysAfter field as value in weekdays.
  • TRACK_WEEKS - Treats daysAfter field as value in weeks.


category Category

The category of this task.

trackTaskAssignee Track Task Assignee Required

Details about which user this task is assigned to when the track is added to a project or opportunity.

createdAt Date Read only

The ISO date/time when this task definition was created.

updatedAt Date Read only

The ISO date/time when this task definition was last updated.