Opportunity Model

Represents an opportunity that is stored in Capsule.

Name Type Description
id Long Read only

The unique id of this opportunity.

createdAt Date Read only

The ISO date/time this opportunity was created.

updatedAt Date Read only

The ISO date/time when this opportunity was last updated.

party Nested Party Required

The main contact for this opportunity.

lostReason Nested Lost Reason

Optional lost reason that can be applied to opportunities that have been lost. These are used as a reporting category.

name String Required

The name of this opportunity.

description String

The description of this opportunity.

owner Nested User

The user this opportunity is assigned to. This and/or team is required.

team Nested Team

The team this opportunity is assigned to. This and/or owner is required.

milestone Nested Milestone Required

The milestone this opportunity belongs to.

value Opportunity Value

The value of this opportunity.

expectedCloseOn Date

The expected close date of this opportunity.

probability Long

The probability of winning this opportunity.

durationBasis String

The time unit used by the duration field.


duration Integer

The duration of this opportunity. Must be null if durationBasis is set to FIXED.

closedOn Date

The date this opportunity was closed.

tags Array of Nested Tag

An array of tags that are applied to this opportunity. This field is included in responses only if the embed parameter contains tags.

fields Array of Field Value

An array of custom fields that are defined for this opportunity. This field is included in responses only if the embed parameter contains fields.

lastContactedAt Date Read only

The ISO date/time when this opportunity was last contacted.

lastStageChangedAt Date Read only

The ISO date/time when this opportunity last had its milestone changed.

lastOpenMilestone Nested Milestone Read only

The last milestone selected on the opportunity while the opportunity was open.

missingImportantFields Boolean

Indicates if this opportunity has any Important custom fields that are missing a value. This field is included in responses only if the embed parameter contains missingImportantFields.